
What you get with our What is My Home Worth Service

Instant and most accurate sold home prices and values in your neighborhood.

Self-Appraisal tool: Adjust your home valuation for house improvements, location/view & local market trends!

Map comparable properties: View proximity of sold houses incl. address & selling price.

Access to Top Listings Agents nationwide: Dedicated to get you the most money for your home when you are ready to sell.

Receive free homeowner reports: Seasonal home maintenance checklists, home selling strategies & more!

Access to complete resource center including mortgage/refinance calculators.

Get free instant estimated market values for your home or a home you’re interested in purchasing. We’ll also show you recent nearby sales in your neighborhood, and a list of nearby homes that are currently for sale.Our home price estimation service provides information about the value of your house or condo. Estimates are available for millions of homes across the US. It is not an actual appraisal and is only an estimate based on real estate market information such as recent sales prices, public records, property sales data, tax records and real estate market trends. Determining the most accurate home prices is best left up to a real estate professional. If you are planning to sell or refinance your home, contact your Real Estate Agent to help coordinate a professional appraisal or comparative market assessment (CMA), as this tool can only give a general idea of the value of your home, and cannot take into consideration certain details related to your home or neighborhood.